“That Morals Thing” by Fred Hartley (A Barbour Book)

ISBN 1-55748-457-0


Chapter 1 – A Butterfly in a Blizzard


3. Which of your parent’s values do you agree with? Which of your parent’s values do you disagree with? When you disagree, how do you respond? Do you talk? Do you scream? Do you lock yourself in your room and pout?


4. Honestly answer the following value judgments from your perspective:

v     Is it wrong for you to smoke marijuana? Yes/No/Sometimes

v     Is it wrong for you to disobey your parents? Yes/No/Sometimes

v     Is it wrong for you to cheat on an exam? Yes/No/Sometimes

v     Is it wrong for you to lie? Yes/No/Sometimes

v     Is it wrong for you to look at pornography? Yes/No/Sometimes

v     Is it wrong for you to take off your clothes in the backseat of a car with your boyfriend or girlfriend? Yes/No/Sometimes

v     Is it wrong for you to get an abortion? Yes/No/Sometimes



Chapter 2 – When Poison Tastes Good


2. Define the word prophet.


3. Define moral standard.


4. Why do people have different moral standards?



Chapter 3 – The Rip-Off


1. List four different ways people can determine right and wrong.


2. What scale do most people use to determine what is morally right and wrong?


3. What scale do you use to determine what is morally right and wrong?


5. What do you value more than anything else in the world? (money, friends, family, God, or having fun? Be honest)


7. Define the term, situational ethics.


8. In your own words, define the following words and indicate how each one is different from the others:

v     Morality

v     Immorality

v     Amorality



Chapter 4 – Safe Sex


2. If your friend got pregnant, what advice would you give her?


7. When is sex safe?



Chapter 5 – The Big Rip-Off


2. Why is it too late to decide where to draw the line when your boyfriend starts unbuttoning your blouse?



Chapter 6 – Who Punches Your Buttons?


1. List three reasons why Jesus is able to help us establish a value system.


2. Define moral absolutes.


4. What standard can we use to determine moral absolutes?


5. Make a list of six moral absolutes.


6. Which moral absolutes are you willing to maintain even if you are mocked by your friends?



Chapter 7 – Ears to Hear


2. In your own words describe:

v     Itching ears

v     Heavy ears

v     Uncircumcised ears


3. Define the word accountability.


5. What is the difference between hearing and obeying?



Chapter 8 – Called to Be Aliens


2. In your own words, define repentance. Do you like the word? How does it make you feel? (angry? fearful? put-down? frustrated? neutral? excited?)


3. Who decides when it’s time to repent? (you? your parents? your minister? God?) Who decides whether or not we will repent? (you? your parents? your minister? God?)



Chapter 9 – Shut the Doors


3. Define hypocrisy. Describe a hypocrite. How do you feel towards hypocrites? How do most people feel toward hypocrites?


6. In your own words, describe the judgment day. Who will be judged by God? Do  you think you will be judged by Him?



Chapter 10 – What Is in Your Closet?


1. How would you feel if you were home all alone one night, and you heard footsteps coming down the hall? How would you feel if you looked over and saw Jesus standing in your doorway? Do you have anything in your room that you would be embarrassed for Him to know about?



Chapter 11 – Our Parents and Our Values


1. Are you able to talk freely to your parents? Why or why not?


2. What areas of your life are difficult to talk about with your parents?


3. Do your parents trust you? Why or why not?


4. What do you and your parents argue about? Make a list.


5. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the strictest), rank your Mom. Rank your Dad.


6. Is it healthy to challenge our parents value system?


7. Are our parents always right? Are they usually right? How should we respond when they are wrong?


8. What two responsibilities do we have toward our parents?


9. How can parents benefit us?


10. List the qualities of a perfect mother. List the qualities of a perfect father. Read the lists to your parents. Ask them to make a similar list describing a perfect son or daughter.


11. Why might it be a good idea to “date our parents?”



Chapter 12 – Full Speed Ahead


3. Why are we sometimes embarrassed to talk about Jesus? Have you ever been embarrassed to talk about Jesus? Describe the feeling. How did you deal with it?


4. If we are straight because we are Christians, why should we tell our friends about Jesus?


Chapter 13 – Semper Fi


2. Whom do you respect? Why?


3. Define sacrifice.


6. What does it mean to dance to the beat of a different drummer?


7. What does the film Chariots of Fire teach us about values?


8. Define the difference between a Christian value system and any other value system.


9. What is the highest value in your life?